Meet your AI Travel Copilot (Personal & Business)

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Say goodbye to travel planning headaches! Where is Kevin, proactively personalizes every trip, from weekend getaways to business conferences.

Effortlessly switch between personal and business needs. Kevin suggests hidden gems for personal adventures and streamlines corporate travel with smart booking and expense tracking.

Integrating with your favourite platforms such as Telegram, WhatsApp, Slack, and Office.

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Get help from within your favourite apps

Kevin works across all your favourite apps and asking for help and tips is as simple as talking to your best friend or partner

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Make decisions easier

When you ask for help, Kevin will give you multiple options to choose from, and learns from your answers. Eventually reaching the point where the first suggestion is the right one every time

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Make life easier & save time

Once you've made your travel and event decisions, Kevin can make the booking, store in your calendar, and arrange transport

Click    and be first to experience hassle free travel!